Error 741: The local computer does not support the required data encryption type

Posted: January 24, 2016 in VPN

To resolve the error go to Network Connection and right click on the VPN connection then click on properties:

2016-01-25 10_37_31-WIN7 on HP650HNO - Virtual Machine Connection Go to Security tab and change the Data encryption to Maximum strength encryption:

2016-01-25 10_37_31-WIN7 on HP650HNO - Virtual Machine Connection

Click OK and try again.

  1. vlan007 says:

    awesome !!!!! i had been struggling to get a dial up VPN connected on win 10 and looked at few blogs but none helped. this worked like a charm.

    for whoever may read this: i had a dial up VPN which connected fine on win 7 but not from win 10. I enabled CHAP and then set the encryption here as shown, now able to connect from win 10 too.

  2. Stephen Monro says:

    Thanks. That worked. It’s strange how it used to work on the optional encryption method, but today was rejected. Either way, your fix made it work. Thanks.

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